Photo contest ends

The photo contest ended early, but here are the winners:
1st place is..... ... Jave 1. Great pictures that were what the team really wanted. Woot! We'll email you the next step, so check your email please.
Now, the 2nd winner is.... ... Josh999. Fine pictures that were fun to see, but not much what the team wants. We'll email you the next step, so check your email please.
Finally and not least, the 3rd winner is..... ... Toolbox215. Good pictures, but only a little creativity and special. We'll email you the next step, so check your email please.

Here are other people's rank and comment that entered the contest:
Duderock34 is our 4th place winner and had a little mess into it.
Oiie From is our 5th place winner and had nothing to really do what the team want, but still had pictures to enter with.

Thanks for everybody that entered the photo contest and we want you to keep up the good work for right now. If you didn't enter this contst, we still have 1 contest running and more to come soon in the future with other stuff as well. Please remember to leave a comment for you winners if you have a problem, error, or question you would like to ask. Waddle On!
Posted by Fartha and Bob in October

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